Monthly Archives: April 2009

Passover Hell


For the second year in a row our church, More, held a Seter Supper to commemerate The Passover. Michael and I were not able to attend last years event because we had just had Ephraim and I was too terrified to breast feed anywhere but my own home. Needless to say, we were both very excited to celebrate the Seter with our tribe. This was not my first Seter. My family used to have a Passover meal as part of our home group when I was a kid. This Seter I was very excited to experience having been to Israel two years ago and experiencing the Holy Land firsthand.

The menu for the meal was already set, there would be lamb and brisket, green beans and the rest were traditional Jewish delicacies like Matza Ball soup, Matza muffins, and Blintzes. Several women in the church were asked to prepare these cultural favorites and I was one of them. I was assigned the blintzes which apparently are similar to a crepe. I have never made a crepe, but I knew it was like a small, paper thin pancake. I also knew that crepes were fairly difficult to master. Oh well, how hard could it be? Famous last words.

I should have known I was in trouble when I was instructed that these had to be made the same day as the Seter. They couldn’t be made ahead of time like some of the other baked goods. I also should have known when my phone started ringing at 10:00 a.m. and found some of the other women assigned to make the blintzes frantic on the other end of the line. I had a doctors appointment that morning and was not able to get the project underway until about 1:00 that afternoon. Just as I was beginning to start the process my mother called (who was sort of in charge of the blintz making) saying not to use the original recipe. She was bringing me a new recipe and some additional ingredients: potato flour and matza meal as well as another 2 dozen eggs. Apparently the Jews really like to use eggs. Mom showed up about 2 o’clock and I started the blintzes.

The basic directions were to whisk 6 eggs until light and fluffy and then add them, along with 1 1/2 cups of water, to the matza meal and potato flour that had already been sifted together. The directions said to blend until smooth. I am pretty sure I could have blended for hours and that mixture was never going to get smooth. It was a nasty, lumpy mess. The only thing I knew to do was keep adding water. That seemed to help thin them out, but when placed on the griddle they would only cook on one side. I had no choice but to flip them and cook on the other side as well. This would have been fine, except that once all the blintzes were cooked and cooled they were to be stuffed with a cheese mixture and then wrapped (folded up) and fried in oil (oh joy). Since they had been cooked on both sides already it made the process of wrapping them very difficult. When I tried to fold them up they would start to break and the cheese mixture would run out into the oil. It was becoming quite clear that these blintzes were not going to work out as intended. I finally decided that I would just bring the flat, pancake like blintz thingies to the church in a big casserole dish and bring the stuffing mixture in a seperate bowl. I figured if anyone wanted to actually risk eating these things they could just get a pancake and spoon the cheese mixture on top.

Somewhere in the middle of all this chaos Ephraim awoke early from his nap. I had no choice but to get him up and put him into his pack-n-play, which I had moved into the kitchen. He pretty much just sat there and watched his frazzled and filthy mother stomp around her stinky, messy kitchen trying in vain to salvage the blintzes. Finally, Michael came home and was able to take over Ephraim duties while I finished up. Michael took him out in the backyard to swing while I continued cooking. It was during this time that I made the decision to put all the cooked blintzes into the casserole dish. I had no available counter space so I moved the dish to our pub table. About this time Michael came in with E and put him back into the pack-n-play. He also moved it slightly backward, toward the pub table. I am sure you can imagine what came next. Yep, Ephraim reached a little paw out of his pen and grabbed the aluminum casserole pan, pulled on it and dumped all the contents onto the floor. I didn’t know whether to laugh, scream or cry. I think I did all three. I decided not to completely freak out and knew I had one of two choices: employ the less than 10 seconds rule and figure what unsuspecting eaters don’t know can’t hurt them -or- chalk this event up to fate and know that my son just saved me from forcing 200 of my favorite people from ingesting food that was slightly less than edible. I opted for choice number two. I loaded the 20 or so completed blintzes into a new casserole pan and headed to the church. The Seter started at 6:30, we arrived at 6:15.

Thank God this was a real Seter and we used real wine, not grape juice. I don’t think I have ever needed a stiff drink more!

The evening was amazing. The ceremonial acts and recitations were so incredibly moving. If you have never celebrated a Passover Seter I encourage you to find one to participate in next year. It is truly wonderful. Just don’t let anyone talk you into making the blintzes!

Here are some pictures of the days destruction!


The Sink

The Sink

img_1385img_1386img_1387img_1388Flour bomb?img_1390Ephraim will eat anything apparently



I just saw something on my Facebook feed that made me feel physically ill and also broke my heart at the same time. In the interest of anonymity I am not going to use the individuals name. I will simply say that is someone we used to be aquainted with through our old church (TFC) in Amarillo. He is now on staff at one the largest (read as Mega) churches in the DFW area.

This is what his status read: 

John Doe: Learning why every church must twitter with Anthony Coppedge.

Someone other guys response: 

“If we as a church don’t stay on the leading edge of technology we will lose people. Aren’t churches already social networks?”


I will cop to the fact that I love FB as much as anyone else. I have not yet joined the Twitter bandwagon, mainly because I thought it was something you could only use through your cell phone. My basic understanding is that people use Twitter in the same vain that I use my status update on FB: to fill you all in on the various nuances of my day. What I think, eat, smell, feel, watch, buy etc. I think the concept of a status update (or Tweet) is more for the individual posting it and not necessarily the reader. What I cannot figure out is why every church must Twitter.

As previously mentioned, I saw this and my stomach just turned over. I wasn’t so much angered or even disgusted, but really, genuinely greived. How will Twitter reach and save a lost and dying world who at the very core of creation is in the throughs of deep travail? How will the homeless, the widow, the orphan, the addicted, the oppressed and demonized be reached by Twittering. Jesus called us to be HIS hands and feet. To personally lay our hands and give our hearts to the diseased, afflicted and broken hearted of this world. 

To give the off our clothes off our backs and turn our other cheek in a manner reflective of His own laying down of his life. When I think of hands and feet at work I see Mother Teresa and other missionaries, I see families that feed and cloth the poor through various outreaches, I see the banqueting table of the Bible where the last are first and the fist are last.

What I don’t see is a bunch of people on their iPhones or laptops using Twitter to tear down the walls of oppression gripping the hearts of friends, family and neighbors. I am not saying there is no place for technology …or maybe I am. I don’t really know. In my gut I just think the man addicted to porn that lives down the street will be anymore moved by the spirit of Twitter than a starving child in Africa will be. Where is the relevance of technology in the culture of death and despair pervading the Earth today. My heart is not moved by walking into Starbucks and seeing a bunch of Christians drinking latte’s and wearing designer clothes and trendy tenny shoes pecking away at the keys of a Macbook or thumbing away on some sort of texting device. If my heart is not moved, I have a hard time believing the world’s will be either.

The person who responded said “If we as a church don’t stay on the leading edge of technology we will lose people. Aren’t churches already social networks?”

What in the world?! I don’t know whether to weep or get a soapbox and start screaming in the middle of the city like John the Baptist did. Am I wrong in feeling this way? Possibly, but everything in the Spirit within me is crying out that this cannot be right. I know technology has its place. I just wrote a blog last night about Sherwood Baptist Church in Albany, GA and how they have made these simple and beautiful movies that  profoundly affected my heart. I think there are spiritual truths in these films that resonate to both believers and non-believers. Technology can be a wonderful tool. Look at the internet and how it has allowed millions all over the world access to online Bibles, sermons, music and ministry. Technology has allowed the Message of Christ to be spread throughout the globe at an unprecedented rate. There are several blogs that I follow that have brought genuine healing and ministry into my life. But to say that people will be “lost” to the church is we don’t become techno-geek chic … I do not believe. That sounds to me like a call to become immitators of the world, rather than the WORD.

Jesus said, “Be in the world, but not of the world.” When will we ever learn? I know this latest “trend” in church growth for some time has been to become “seeker friendly.” What does that really even mean? For me, I think a church that is seeker friendly is one that is inclusive, not exclusive. It is a place where anyone who walks in off the street could feel embraced by the people of God. The Spirit is already at work to embrace, but again, we are the hands and feet. The word says if we seek we will find. Find what? The answer should be God. Jesus. The Holy Spirit. Forgiveness. Deliverance. Healing. The Fruit of the Spirit. (Do I really need to go on?) Someone tried to explain the “relevance” of the seeker movement to me once. That we structure our church services so that people who are “curious” do not feel threatened by an atmosphere that they are unfamiliar with. Sing songs that are christian, but some adult contemporary ones they might know as well. Make church FUN! Have the Pastor ride in on a Harley and where trendy clothes to overcome the perception that christianity isn’t “cool.” 

What I just wrote may offend you on some level, but you and I both know this is the kind of crap that is going on in houses of worship all over the United States every week. 

The Bible describes the appearance of Jesus as not being “comely”. Read that as “he was unattractive”. Maybe unattractive is a stretch, but his appearance was such that no one was going to be “drawn” to him because of it. Perhaps “average” or “ordinary” would be better words. How ironic that someone so average in appearance was so above average in every other conceivable way. Extraordinary. Supernatural. He did very little to ever draw attention to himself (the only that comes to mind is when he overturned the vendors tables in the temple) and even withdrew from crowds. Yet people were drawn to him, like moths to a flame. When he stood on the mountain to deliver the “beatitudes” there were throngs of people gathered to listen. his words were simple, but Truth has a way of piercing right through to the heart of the matter. The Word had become flesh and it was intoxicating. The people simply could not get enough. You just have to wonder if this average guy showed up in church, or the mall or Starbucks today how would He go about reaching those who needed him most? Would it be through Twitter, or FB or appearance or state of the art buildings and church programs? The Bible says Jesus is the SAME yesterday, TODAY, and TOMORROW. I think it is pretty clear He would move in the same way, by relationship with people. Through conversation and community and serving and giving and helping. 

The individuals above are entitled to their opinion, just like I am mine. I am not anti-mega church, I just don’t want to go to one. I would love to have an iPhone, but I don’t need it to reach the lost. I want to be beautiful and dress nice and smell good, but I don’t want these to be the reasons people want to know me. I want them to see and encounter Jesus through me. My words, my actions and my friendship. I want to share my testimony and know that hearing it somehow changes the life and gives hope to someone who can identify. 

I just want to be talk like, smell like, be like and be a friend like Jesus.
You can follow my journey to become more like Him on Twitter …JUST KIDDING!!!

Fireproof and Facing the Giants in review


About two weeks ago Michael and I watched the movie “Fireproof”. My mom had Netflixed the movie and then suggested (not super subtley now that I think about it) that we watch it. She brought it over one night when when she was baby sitting E and left it for us to watch. Poor Mom, it was several weeks before we got to it so she had been waiting for us to send it back so she could get another film. One Saturday night, with nothing else on TV, we decided to pop it in. By the end of the movie Michael and I were curled up in each others arms, both if us confessing our love and repentance through a river of tears.

The movie stars Kirk Cameron, but he is the only professional actor in the film. Everyone else is part of the congregation of the church (Sherwood Baptist Church) that produced the movie. At first, I thought “Okay, I am preparing myself for the fact that since these actors are not professionals the acting will probably be sub-par and thus hard to overcome.” I could not have been more wrong. In actuality, the fact that they were not professionals somehow made the performances more endearing and realistic. Also, the portrayals of marital arguments were brutally realistic. I can remember seeing the movie “The Break Up” a few years back with my sister, Alexis, and thinking that the movie was hard to endure because of the very real and painful portrayal of the fights in the movie. Trust me, the Hollywood blockbuster has nothing on the Indie film when it comes to realistic portrayals of fighting. Fireproof literally made Michael and me cringe during the confrontation scenes. This was because we could both identify with the context of the arguments and how quickly they can escalate.

If you have not seen this movie, I definitely recommend it. Look, it is what it is. It had a next to nothing budget and 99% of the cast had no professional training. Somehow knowing this made the film all the more impressive. While I could not identify with the exact same struggles as this couple, I am well acquainted with the fact that marriage, under the best of circumstances, is hard. It will always take work and there will be seasons where it will  seem that quitting is the only alternative. That is a lie. Quitting may seem easier, but remember the scripture …”There is a way that seems good to man …But this way leads to death”. “Narrow is the gate and few are those who pass through it” (my paraphrase for both). For Michael and me it was a wake up call regarding our relationship and the fact that marriage is a “locked garden”. In other words, “Do Not Disturb” and if you do, face the consequence. However, it is our duty to enforce the will of our Father here … you gotta get rid of the riff raff. If something or someone is trying to drive a wedge between you and your spouse, TAKE ACTION NOW! Seek the Lord! Be vigilant about your actions AND your thought life. During several scenes of the movie there is a “musical montage” and the song used is Slow Fade by Casting Crowns. The words sung ring with such Truth …”It is a slow fade when you give yourself away”. No one knowingly does this, it simply takes its toll over time. 

I really wish I had written more about this when it was all “fresh”. You will have to forgive me, we have had a rough week or so around here.

Last nights film is still rather fresh on my brain though. “Facing the Giants” came out about 2-3 years ago I think. The film is co-produced and was distributed by Provident, the label that Michael used to be on. At the 2007 Gospel Music Awards (GMA) week (read as Christian Grammy’s) Monk and Neagle (Trent and MIchael) attended several Provident functions, one of which was to promote “Facing the Giants”. Michael was sent home with a goody bag that included a lot of candy (yippee), a DVD of the movie and a “Facing the Giants”  football. Once I found out I was pregnant, and with a boy no less, I knew I could put that football in the nursery. “Why” you may  say. I have no good answer. Just decided it, or so I thought.

During this time I was very much in the throws of depression and bewilderment. Michael and I had been trying for children for what seemed like an eternity. Our tests were always normal, but for inexplicable reasons month after month, there was no baby. (I have discussed this before in the blog On Barreness). I continually gave myself “pep talks” and clung to an increasingly insane hope that children were in my future. When Michael returned home that spring (football in tow), I had no idea of the changes poised by God to take place. Within weeks, I had become pregnant. Who knows how or why. (well, clearly we know “how”. It’s not like it was immaculate conception!) When we took the test and it was positive we were in shock and complete awe, knowing this was done by God.

As most mothers do, I began to dream immediately of this child growing within me. Somehow I “knew” from the beginning that it would be a son. It was the desire of my heart and God placed it there. At 20 weeks pregnant, when the sex can be determined by sonogram, neither Michael or I were shocked to find out we had a son. Somehow we knew all along. I battled a lot of fear during those 9 months. This was something I had longed for and I was terrified that it would be taken from me. How little I understood (and still do) about God’s divine nature and love. each day required me taking a stand and confessing what the Word said about my situation. This helped immensely, but I also needed a revelation from God. Thankfully, many faithful saints in our church, MORE, had had visions of our son before he was ever born and these promises helped build and increase our faith. When I was 8 months preggo, Michael and I began the process of decorating the nursery: painting floors and walls, adding new baseboard and quarter round, replacing light fixture, etc ..When it was ready for the final touches (accessories) we added two shelves in order to display assorted decorations, one of which was the Facing the Giants football. This may seem inconsequential (after all it was a little boys room) but after seeing the film I now know it was anything but. You see, in the movie the main character, a struggling football coach, and his wife have been trying to have a baby for several (4) years. Warning …SPOILER ALERT! After being told that it will take nothing short of a miracle to get pregnant the couple continues to persevere despite the odds. Brought low and to the point of brokeness individually, both declare that no matter what God is GOOD and they will “love him no matter what!” After watching the DVD last night, I realize there is no coincidence in the fact that the “promotional” football was placed in my son’s room. It was prophetic revelation and confirmation of the work God had always intended to do. The God of Heaven and the Angle Armies was at work in my life (and Ephraim’s) from the beginning, even before the beginning. That football means a heck of a lot more now!

Let me just say that I full out wept during this film. It hit REALLY close to home for obvious reasons. Though painful to remember that struggle, it was also terribly beautiful to reflect on Gods work during that season and even now. I won’t tell you how the story ends. You can try and guess, but I suggest you see the movie and experience the same blessing I did. for yourself. In a complete coincidence, I came across this today. Cheri is an old friend from our Trinity Fellowship days. Her testimony had me praising through tears. What a great week to be reminded of the faithfulness and miracle working power of THE ONE TRUE GOD, JESUS! Immanuel, God with us! Thank you Lord that we are not alone.

I have decided to focus on LOVING my Jesus this week. Won’t you join me!


**Also, if you have not heard Chris Tomlin’s “I Will Rise” I encourage you to get on iTunes (or whatever you use) and download this song. It is an amazing reminder of why we celebrate this week!

Update on Being Infuriated


So I was able to read the entire Vanity Fair article on their web site. I thought I would post the infamous quote and few other of my favs.

In regards to Tom Brady and Bridget Moynahan’s son:

After John Edward Thomas Moynahan was born, in August 2007, Brady and Gisele began shuttling between Boston, where Brady’s football team is based, and Los Angeles, where Moynahan lives. “When we are in L.A. we have Johnny 50 percent of the time,” Gisele says. “He’s a little angel—the sweetest, most cuddly, loving baby. I feel blessed to have him in my life.”
Last year she and Brady purchased an $11.7 million plot of land in a gated community in Brentwood. Despite their commitment to spending time with John, however, Gisele has never met his mother. “I understand that he has a mom, and I respect that, but to me it’s not like because somebody else delivered him, that’s not my child. I feel it is, 100 percent,” Gisele says. “I want him to have a great relationship with his mom, because that’s important, but I love him the same way as if he were mine. I already feel like he’s my son, from the first day.”

I think reading it for myself only mad me more mad. She states in the article that she has never even met Moynahan. I’d say that’s an issue. Personally, if I was the mom I would not let my kid spend that amount of time around a woman I have never even met.

This quote was one of my favorites:

“I would like a big family,” she says. “I love children. This is what I want to have in my life. This is why you get married—you want to create those roots together; you want to give that to your kids. I would also love to adopt a child from Brazil. When you come from São Paulo, you see five-year-olds sniffing glue on the corner. You think, If you make a difference in the life of one of them, that makes your time on this earth worthwhile. I will have a colorful family, like a rainbow. I have dogs from rescue; they are all my dogs. Children are like little angels—there’s no way you can’t love them.”

I am sure her “rescue” dogs are glad to know that they are held in as high esteem as her other dogs … the ones she actually gave birth to herself are we to presume? The dogs are referenced in several places in the article. They were present at the wedding wearing lace outfits made by Dolce and Gabbana that matched her gown. Apparently she ate during the interview and fed one of her dogs a lamb chop.


Quivering with anticipation, her Yorkshire terrier sits slavishly at her feet. “Vida, Vida, Vida,” Gisele croons. “‘Vida’ means life; she’s the golden girl—that’s why I call her Golden. She loves the bone. She deserves a little bone!” Cooing, Gisele hands a lamb chop to Vida, who snatches it and runs. “Vida, let’s make a deal: I’ll give you a bone every day—you live forever!”

All in all, I am not like a hater or anything. It is impressive that she left school at 14 and now has a net worth of $150 million and she speaks multiple languages. Just thought I would update you on the goings on. Also, she never refers to the kid as a “love child”. That was People magazines phrasing so I retract what I wrote regarding that.

Here is a pic from People yesterday

File this one under Infuriated


Those reading who know me well are well acquainted with my addiction to pop culture and celebrity gossip. I am not proud of this and know that it does little improve me as a person. It’s not like checking throughout the day actually makes me more knowledgeble about current events (well maybe in does in certain circles). So as I was checking Facebook and email today I made my requiste stop by the aforementioned celebrity magazine web site. One of the top stories really caught my eye and quite frankly PISSED me off.

I have kind of kept up with the whole Bridget Moynahan and Tom Brady saga since the beginning. If you are unfamiliar on this situation, here is the skinny. They dated for 3 or so years. Broke up. He immediately (like within days, so that makes one a little suspicious) started dating Giselle Bundchin (a super model) About 2-3 months after the break-up Ms. Moynahan goes public with the fact that she is in fact pregnant with her ex’s baby. (She actually broke the news stateside while Mr. Brady and his new girlfriend were VERY publicly vacationing in Paris). One can only assume she told him first, before telling the world, but who knows.

Now, Tom Brady has described himself as  “conservative and religious” (he is Catholic). Irony! However, he allowed his ex to go through her entire pregnancy alone and was not even present for the birth of his son. When the boy was born his mother named him and gave him HER last name (you go girl!). She lives in L.A. while Brady resides in New York with his new wife. He is a football player so he is occupied from fall through February and then is “free” to come and spend time with his son. Now that you are all caught up, her is the article from

Bridget Moynahan Upset Over Gisele’s Comments About Her Son

Originally posted Friday April 03, 2009 02:10 PM EDT

From left; Bridget Moynahan, Tom Brady and Gisele BündchenPhoto by: IPHOTO; Getty; Wireimage
Bridget Upset Over Gisele's Comments About Her Son | Bridget Moynahan, Gisele Bundchen, Tom Brady

While friends and family gather in Costa Rica to help Tom Brady and Gisele Bündchen celebrate their wedding weekend, Bridget Moynahan – the mother of Brady’s 1½-year-old son, John Edward Thomas Moynahan – is headed to Vancouver, to start a new movie. 

But in the week leading up to the festivities in Central America, a soap opera involving all three adults was shaping up, kicking off with Bündchen’s expansive remarks to Vanity Fair, in which she said she considered young John Edward her very own child. 

“It’s not like because somebody else delivered him, that’s not my child,” said the supermodel, 28. “I love him the same way as if he were mine. I already feel like he’s my son, from the first day.” 

That apparently didn’t sit well with those in Moynahan’s inner circle. A source close to the 37-year-old model-actress tells PEOPLE, “Bridget has her own life, she doesn’t need to be involved in the drama of all this, and she finds it disrespectful that her son is being paraded around in front of the paparazzi when she’s specifically made it a point of keeping him away from that.” 

The source went on to say pointedly, “I can count on two hands, in two years, the number of times Bridget has been photographed with that baby. I can count on two hands the number of times in the past month that Gisele has been photographed with that baby.” 

In an even more personal attack, the source said, “If Tom is such a great father as everyone likes to say, then you would think that he’d respect the privacy of his young child and would ask his wife not to use his son as a publicity prop and a subject of public discussion.” 

Moynahan on Motherhood

For her part, Moynahan’s most direct comments on the situation appeared inHarper’s Bazaar. She told the magazine, “When you’re suddenly pregnant and no one is standing by your side, even if you’re in your 30s, it’s a hard conversation. I’m a traditional girl, and I believe in marriage, and I just always thought that’s the way I’d be doing this.” Moynahan, who was with New England Patriots quarterback Brady, 31, for three years before they broke up and she subsequently announced her pregnancy, added, “For a moment, it was hard for me to accept that this was the way I was going to have a family.”

So, for whatever reason, this really infuriated me. First of all, going back to the very beginning, what kind of selfish jerk lets an ex (even if it is on bad terms) go through pregnancy and childbirth ALONE! Second, you would think that even if he has now found the love of his life he could be (and make damn sure she is) more respectful of his “baby mammas” feelings.

But what really has me mad are the comments that were made in the interview Giselle gave to Vanity Fair.  Although not mentioned in the People article above, she refers to Brady’s son as a “love child”. Who the hell uses phrases like love child? Then she goes on to say that she loves the child as much as if her were her own. Ok, on some level, I get that. I have always thought that if you are going to marry someone who has children already and you are accepting the role of becoming a stepparent (which in many cases can be the most thankless job in the world) then you need to embrace those kids as your own. I have several friends and a set of cousins who grew up with “step monsters” and were treated as second class citizens in their own parents homes. I guess behavior treatment such as this is where we get the phrase “treated like a red headed stepchild, huh? This behavior is deplorable on the part of any adult. When you get married you get the whole package: the family and all the baggage that that entails along with it.

We have friends, Eddie and Beth, who have a blended family. Eddie was previously married and has a son from that relationship. He and Beth also have two children together. Their family was one of the first I have ever seen navigate the waters of blending and melding two families together with such love and grace. Beth considers Eddie son to be like her own in the sense that he is a “bonus kid” for her, a blessing! Their family would not be the same without him. Eddie and Beth have worked hard in the years I have known them to embrace Eddie’s ex and her new family and to make sure that the relationship is a good one. The lines of communication must be open and mutual respect is of paramount importance. Although I have not seen their son in quite some time I can only imagine that he has benfitted greatly and thrives from having two sets of loving parents. Divorce is never ideal, especially when kids are involved. That is why the adults have to make it the best situation possible. This family inspires me.

So maybe that makes me seem a bit hypocritical in feeling so strongly about the comments made in Vanity Fair. To me, there is just something so inflammatory about the way she addressed the issue.

“It is not like because somebody else delivered him, that’s not my child,” said the supermodel, 28. “I love him the way as if he were mine. I already feel like he’s my son, from the first day.”

Oh really Giselle …you see where I come from unless you went through the blood (and I do mean blood), sweat (buckets of it), and tears (oh, the tears!) it took to bring that baby into the world (not to mention the nine months it took to carry him) IT IS NOT YOUR CHILD!

(**Disclaimer: Please know that I am not refering that statement in any way to adoptive parents who are everyday heroes!**)

Perhaps I am placing myself too much in Briget Moynahan’s shoes: dumped, rejected for another woman, impregnanted, humiliated and ledt ALONE … and now that other woman has the audacity to call this baby her own. I would want to punch her in the face. You know, let’s be fair, maybe he comments were misconstrued or taken out of context by the reporter. She is from Brazil and English is her second language so we could chalk it up to the language barrier … but really it just seems cruel and thoughtless. She also has not yet had her own children so maybe there is a certain degree of immaturity and naivete to her words. Either way, she owes her husbands son’s MOTHER a huge apology.

Your thoughts? I would really love to know. Am I way off base her?